Jul 08, 2019
BTE Student Stories
Meet Maria Fernanda Rodriguez Granados and Alberto Quiroz Atzcatl! Maria Fernanda Rodriguez Granados and Alberto Quiroz Atzcatl are the 2019 Student Ambassadors for Mexico City, Mexico.
Maria has great communication skills, is creative, and loves teamwork! BTE has helped Maria with her public speaking skills. Her favorite BTE memory was when her class visited the Johnson & Johnson facility in Puebla, Mexico. They learned how to negotiate and find solutions.
Maria is interested in attending ABTS because…
“Me gustaría mucho conocer a otras personas de otros países, compartir experiencias, interactuar con todos ahí y saber de otras culturas.”
“I would very much like to meet other people from other countries, share experiences, interact with everyone at ABTS and learn about other cultures.”
Bridge to Employment has changed Alberto’s perspective and has made him realize that he has many options in life. He thanks professors, staff, and students at the university for showing him the endless possibilities.
Alberto is interested in attending ABTS because…
“Quiero conocer a los estudiantes de otros países, conocer sus ideas, cultura, metas, entablar amistades de otros países y trabajar en equipo con ellos. Me motiva el simple hecho de convivir con otros estudiantes que yo se que me beneficiara bastante y creo que será una gran experiencia que agregare a mi vida y podre compartir con la gente que me rodea y transmitirles el aprendizaje que me dejara este viaje, que se que será una grandiosa Aventura.”
“I want to meet students from other countries at ABTS and learn about their ideas, cultures, and goals. I hope to build friendships with Student Ambassadors from other countries and work as a team with them. I am also motivated by the simple fact of living with other students that I’ve never met before. ABTS will be a great experience that will add to my life. I will be able to share lessons learned with the people around me. It will be a great adventure.”