BTE Student Stories

Student Ambassadors 2019: Las Piedras, Puerto Rico

Meet Gibram Medina Perez, Isys Santana Santiago, Valeria Rivera, and Grace Lebron! Gibram Medina, Isys Santana Santiago, Valeria Rivera, and Grace Lebron are the 2019 Student Ambassadors from Las Piedras, Puerto Rico.





Gibram enjoys volunteering and helping communities. In 2017, Gibram volunteered and delivered supplies and items to communities affected by Hurricane Maria. BTE has been a great experience for Gibram and he looks forward to the ABTS conference.


Gibram is interested in attending ABTS because…

“Estoy interesado en participar de la ABTS porque esto es una gran oportunidad para compartir los conocimientos que adquiri en los academic challenges del programa BTE. Ademas me gustaria conocer y aprender de experiencias de otros jovenes que al iqual que yo se benefician de este programa. Con esta experiencia enriquecedora espero ganar conocimiento acerca de nuevos temas de los cuales desconozco. Se que esta experiencia me ayudara en mi futuro y los talleres que se estaran ofreciendo en la ABTS me haran una persona mas completa Y mejor preparada para enfrentar los retos personales, educativos y profesionales.”

“ABTS is a great opportunity to share the knowledge I acquired in the academic challenges presented during the BTE program. I would like to learn from other young people’s experiences that have benefited from the BTE program. With this enriching experience, I hope to gain knowledge about new topics. I know that this experience will help me in my future and the workshops that will be offered at ABTS will make me a more complete person and better prepared to face personal, educational and professional challenges.”


Isys was the Secretary of the chemistry club. In her role, she prepared monthly reports and managed the list of members. The overall BTE experience has helped her with planning her future.

Isys is interested in attending ABTS because…

“Estoy interesada en asistir a la ABTS para aprender, ampliar mis conocimientos, compartir experiencias con los estudiantes de otras sedes de BTE, tener experiencias nuevas en mi carrera estudiantil y representar la sede de BTE de Puerto Rico. Espero salir de la ABTS lista para compartir los conocimientos y experiencias adquiridas con mis companeros de BTE.”

“I am excited to learn, expand my knowledge, and share new experiences with students from other BTE sites at ABTS. This conference will allow me to have new experiences and represent the headquarters of BTE of Puerto Rico. I hope to leave the ABTS ready to share the knowledge and experiences acquired with my BTE colleagues.”


Valeria is currently the STEM2D Project Leader and President of the exchange club. Last year, she had the opportunity to serve as President of the chemistry club as well.

Valeria is interested in attending ABTS because…

“Desarrollar mi liderazgo, contribuir con las organizaciones las cuales dirijjo como presidenta e influenciar para que se interesen en estos programas y que vean mi crecimiento en ellos, ser un ejemplo de que si se puede, obtener satisfaccion personal, enriquecimiento, experiencias nuevas, contactos e ideas para proximos proyectos y metas.”

“I am looking forward to attending ABTS, so I can develop my leadership skills and better contribute to the organizations which I run as President. I hope to influence others to be interested in these. I hope to set an example, gain personal satisfaction, enrichment, new experiences, and increase my professional contacts during this conference.”



Grace has participated in the American Chemical Society High School chemistry club., She was a member of the Club Exchange and American’s Service club as well. Grace enjoys studying math and science and continues to expand her knowledge on these subjects. She is excited to meet other student ambassadors at the ABTS conference and acquire skills that can be used throughout her college and professional experience.

Grace is interested in attending ABTS because…

“Expandir mis conocimientos, mejorar mis habilidades, conocer otros estudiantes embajadores alrededor del mundo y desarrollar investigaciones. Tambien para tener nuevas experiencias y trabajar con lideres empresariales. Espero obtener de esta experiencia un gran conocimiento que pueda contribuir a otros programas de ” bridge to Employment” y estos conocimientos implementarlos en mi escuela.”

“ABTS will help me to expand my knowledge and improve my skills. I will have a chance to meet other Student Ambassadors from around the world and develop research. I will also have new experiences and work with business leaders. I hope to obtain from this experience a great knowledge that can contribute to other Bridge to Employment programs and use this knowledge to implement new components in my school.”