BTE Student Stories

#B2ESite Spotlight on Santa Ana, California, USA










BTE-Santa Ana Seniors

Bridge to Employment is proud to spotlight BTE-Santa Ana! Santa Ana Seniors applied to multiple universities & colleges leading to 100% of participants attending college this fall! Johnson & Johnson mentors played a crucial role in supporting participants with resumes, course highlights, interviews, & portfolios. Congrats!


College Visit

BTE-Santa Ana visited Cal State University, Polytechnic Pomona. Students received a campus tour, admissions presentation, and enjoyed the campus dining hall! Students were so excited to explore a prestigious university!


Boys and Girls Club
Participants and Johnson & Johnson mentors volunteered at the local Boys and Girls Club. They helped members with homework, outdoor activities and arts & crafts. Participants were excited to pay-it-forward and give back!


BTE-Santa Ana Graduation
On May 18, BTE-Santa Ana partners celebrated the graduation of their students! We wish you the best of luck for the future, Congratulations!