
Graphic: Circle top half white with FHI 360 logo, bottom half orange empathy


BTE Resource Spotlight

To support youth’s successful transition to higher education and the professional world of work, FHI 360 has developed a series of digital badges that focus on the development of 21st century skills. These online badges are a form of microcredentials that provide BTE youth with an opportunity to grow their 21st century skillsets. These include the combination of deeper learning skills, such as problem-solving and critical thinking, and essential skills, such as communication and collaboration. These are also the most in demand skills employers and human resource professionals value when looking for quality talent that can be successful in the workplace.

In the spirit of Mental Health Awareness Month, we are highlighting the Empathy Digital Badge. Listed as one of the top eight 21st century skills, empathy is a skill critical to supporting mental health. According to the National Council for Mental Wellbeing[1], empathy is a vital skill to have in one’s “Mental Health Toolkit”. Not only does the display of empathy allow others to feel included, heard, and supported, but it can also be beneficial to one’s own wellbeing. Consistently practicing empathy improves one’s ability to effectively manage and respond to stress and emotionally challenging situations.

The Empathy digital badge builds empathy skills and targets key sub-competencies, such as: recognizing others’ needs and values, listening actively, incorporating diverse perspectives, and validating others’ feelings and perceptions.

If you are looking for a way to support Mental Health Awareness month, take a look at the Empathy Badge (be sure to login to your BTE account to access)!


[1] National Council for Mental Wellbeing (2022). Practicing Empathy as a Mental Health First Aider. Retrieved from