BTE Student Stories

Jimena Fuentes González

Congratulations to 2020 BTE graduate, Jimena!

What are your plans after graduation?

Escuela Secundaria Técnica #19 Diego Rivera.

Mis planes son buscar un empleo dentro de Johnson & Johnson de becario en auxiliar de recursos humanos.

(English) My plans are to look for a job within Johnson & Johnson as a Human Resources Assistant.

What is your favorite BTE memory?

Mi recuerdo favorito es cuando tuvimos la plática de mujeres en la ciencia: Me encantó por qué me hizo sentir que apesar de todos los obstáculos, puedo estudiar una carrera que estén relacionadas con la ciencia. Me sentí feliz y motivada para decidirme por una carrera de ellas.

(English) My favorite memory is when we had the talk about women in science: I loved it because it made me feel that despite all the obstacles, I can study a career that is related to science. I felt happy and motivated to move forward with that career path.

What are you looking forward to the most after graduation?

Mis planes para después de graduarme son obtener mi certificado del bachillerato auxiliar en recursos humanos para poder insertarme en la vida laboral y avanzar una carrera universitaria.

(English) My plans for after graduation are to obtain my secondary school certificate in human resources to be able to begin working professionally and move forward with a university career.

Who would you like to recognize from your BTE journey?

Me gustaría agradecer a todos los que hacen posible este programa. En especial me gustaría agradecer a todos los de Johnson & Johnson, ya que ellos son una inspiración para seguir adelante. Algún día se como ellos.

(English) I would like to thank everyone who makes this program possible. I would especially like to thank all of our Johnson & Johnson mentors, as they are an inspiration to keep going. I hope to someday be like them.