BTE Student Stories

Carmen Sanchez

Congratulations to 2020 BTE graduate, Carmen!

What are your plans after graduation?

UNAM ó Colegio Naval

What is your favorite BTE memory?

Cuando fuimos elegido porque solo faltaban dos lugares y fui uno de esos dos junto con una de mis amigas. También cuando nos llevaron a sus plantas. Es muy interesante como se lleva acabo cada producto.

(English) When we were chosen because only two spots were open and I was one of those two together with one of my friends. Also when they took us to their plants. It is very interesting how each product is made.

What are you looking forward to the most after graduation?

Poder ingresar a la universidad y continuar con mis estudios.

(English) To be able to enter the university and continue with my studies.

Who would you like to recognize from your BTE journey?

A todos, siempre se preocuparon por nosotros y de que tengamos buenos conocimientos sobre todo lo que nos enseñaron.

(English) Everyone always cared about us and that we had good knowledge about everything they taught us.