J&J Local Partner

Global Pharmaceutical Supply Group

Community Partner

  • The Edward Teller Education Center at the University of California, Davis – Coordinating Entity
  • Solano Community College
  • Solano Economic Development Corporation
  • Workforce Investment Board of Solano County
  • Vacaville Unified School District

Site Contact

Global Pharmaceutical Supply Group (GPSG), a Johnson & Johnson company in Vacaville, California, partnered with the University of California, Davis, School of Education on the BTE program at Dixon High School in Solano County, California. This three-year project sought to increase student enrollment in higher education and raise the number of students pursuing careers in healthcare / science-related fields. The partners specifically designed this project to address community, cultural and educational system challenges (including, the lack of information about higher education for non-traditional and under-represented minority populations, college preparation activities, parental support, role models, and familiarity with education pathways leading to high-tech, high-wage jobs) that serve as barriers to academic success at high school and access to higher education for a significant faction of the student population. The BTE students were recruited from the 10th Grade AVID class in fall 2007.  During years 1 and 2, student activities included:
  • Test taking workshops for the PSAT and SAT;
  • A monthly brown-bag seminar series from GPSG professionals focused on career counseling and job skill development;
  • College campus tours;
  • Sessions on financial aid and college applications; and
  • A visit to the GPSG worksite for tours, meetings with mentors, and a student presentation to site leaders.
Each year ended with a culminating event — a four-night / four-day summer camp experience at the University of California, Davis campus. During the camp students experienced: campus and department tours; living in the dormitory; an orientation to college life; hands-on activities in the science labs, entomology museum, and world-renown Veterinary School of Medicine; cultural events; learning sessions on presentation and study skills; lectures on careers in healthcare; observation of college-level lectures; college student panels; and team-building recreational events. To encourage parental involvement, a reception was held for the students and their parents on the last evening of the summer camp. Year 3 activities involved: college preparatory skill building; application and financial aid workshops; career portfolio development; and the continued brown-bag seminar series.

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