J&J Local Partner

Ethicon (formerly Ethicon-Endo Surgery)

Community Partner

  • Cincinnati State Technical & Community College – Coordinating Entity
  • Northwest Central School District Colerain High School Career Center

Site Contact

The BTE-Cincinnati program was built on a major initiative undertaken by Cincinnati State in collaboration with area high schools, hospitals and community-based social service agencies to provide a seamless transition from high school through a four-year degree in the Nursing and Allied Health professions. Targeting educationally and/or economically disadvantaged high school students, the BTE program aimed to:
  • Increase the students' knowledge of healthcare opportunities and careers;
  • Increase the students' knowledge of academic and training requirements for healthcare opportunities and careers; and
  • Provide students with a positive exposure to the post-secondary educational environment.
The BTE program recognized that students need career awareness, motivation and adequate preparation to become interested and succeed in a health career. To this end, BTE students participated in a Diversified Health Occupations course, where they received hands-on experiences, including site visits to Ethicon-Endo Surgery and Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, as well as obtained specific job-oriented skills and have the opportunity to take higher-level math and science courses. In addition to career exploration, College personnel worked closely with local organizations to provide pre-college enrichment and support programs. The College developed specialized programs that bring high school students to the campus for visits, college application assistance and support, college-level courses, and programs of all types, including special activities and events. The College also facilitated the involvement of parents and community organizations in the program, recognizing the need for awareness and support from these crucial partners.

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