J&J Local Partner

Johnson & Johnson Shared Services

Community Partner

  • Casa Familiar/Aprendo Trabajando
  • Hospital Hermanos Melendez
  • Hospital Metropolitana
  • The New School
  • SER – Jobs for Progress National, Inc.
  • Universidad del Sagrado Corazon
  • Universidad Metropolitana

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SER—Jobs for Progress National Inc., one of the largest nonprofit Hispanic employment and training corporations in the United States, began its partnership with Johnson & Johnson's Bridge to Employment (BTE) partnership in October 1995. The BTE program was established to encourage Puerto Rican youth (16 to 18 years old) to enter health related fields. With the help of Johnson & Johnson Shared Services, one of the local Johnson & Johnson operating companies, an advisory committee was formed. The advisory committee helped to guide the BTE program by designing strategies to encourage active participation; creating a student's committee to support and assist future participants; and developing a public awareness strategy. The hallmark of the BTE program was the student job shadowing experiences and the CPR certification, which strengthened the students' personal portfolios.

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