BTE Announcements

BTE – Taunton invites all BTE sites to participate in “The Surgeon Experience.”  One of their sports medicine surgeons, Dr. Busconi is presenting to BTE students, both in person a via live webcast.

This event will provide an opportunity for students to interact with a surgeon, to learn about what they do, what sports medicine is, why it is important, and how J&J employees work with the surgeon to provide the best outcomes for all patients.

Topics to be covered:

  • When did you know you wanted to be a surgeon and how?
  • What were you like as a child, in middle school and high school?  What subjects did you like in school?
  • Did you ever consider another path?  Was there a positive influence in your life that led you to this path?
  • We would love for the students to experience the training environment, and understand why training is so important and how it contributes to the best outcomes for our patients.
  • What advances in medicine have you seen lately, where do you see yourself in 5-10 years and what products will you be using.
  • What is a typical day look like for you?
  • Do you have advice for the students about their own health, and what they can do to stay healthy, and prevent injuries.