Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey! FHI 360’s National Institute for Work and Learning (NIWL) advances access, equity, and excellence in education and workforce systems. We focus on two key drivers of individual well-being – education and employment – to improve lives. NIWL seeks to strengthen the capacity of public and private organizations, providing information, resources, and support needed to make decisions, strengthen programs, and improve outcomes for individuals. We are interested in creating training, professional development, and apprenticeship programs that support career pathways in the Green Jobs sector and are interested in better understanding the resources already available to young people. Your involvement is completely voluntary, and your responses are anonymous and confidential. The estimated time to complete the survey is 10-15 minutes.

For this survey, green jobs are being defined as either: Jobs in businesses that produce goods or provide services that benefit the environment or conserve natural resources. (Examples include: Solar panel installer; Wind turbine technician; Waste water treatment plant operator; Urban planner; Environmental consultant) OR Jobs in which workers' duties involve making their establishment's production processes more environmentally friendly or use fewer natural resources. (Examples include: Energy Analyst/Auditor; Sustainability Specialist; Specialized equipment and machine operator; Electrician; Plumber)
Not at all interestedNot very interestedSomewhat interestedVery interested
Which from the following list are skills that you feel on average the young adults you work with already have. Select as many as apply:
Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly agree
Careers in the green jobs sector are available in my local area
The education plans of the young adults I work with are good matches for careers in the green jobs sector
I feel knowledgeable enough about the green jobs sector to support young adults interested in working in this sector
I can easily connect young adults I’m mentoring/working with to potential employers in the green jobs sector because of partnerships that already exist
If a young adult I work with shows an interest in the green jobs sector, I am able to provide them resources on multiple types of different education programs
I have employment resources available to share with young adults who show an interest in the green jobs sector
I have career mapping tools available that can be used with the young people I work with who show an interest in the green jobs sector