J&J Local Partner


Community Partner

  • Raritan Valley Community College (RVCC) – Coordinating Entity
  • Bound Brook High School
In September 2017, Janssen, Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson & Johnson with Raritan Valley Community College (RVCC) and Bound Brook High School (BBHS) launched a Bridge to Employment (BTE) program in Bound Brook, NJ. The three-year program targeted 40 sophomore high school students (in school year 2017-2018) to ensure that upon graduation they are  college and career ready. Key program activities included:
  • Dual Enrollmenta new, one-credit, College Success course hosted by RVCC at Bound Brook High School.
  • Career Coaching—Janssen employees will coach groups of 3-4 students, introducing them to a wide variety of work options and helping them determine which fields they would like to pursue.
  • Wednesday Study Halls—Weekly, during students’ study hall periods, BTE members will meet with students and lead them through special activities or tutoring.
  • Site Visits—students will visit Janssen facilities, nursing schools, and other places that will introduce them to a range of medical careers and other STEM topics.
  • Work Readiness Workshops—students will attend sessions involving team building, project development, motivation, finance, marketing, and use of social media, along with creating and presenting team and individual projects.